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DC Connected - Review of the year 2021


It was an exciting year for DC Connected with many events.

We show you our year 2021 in fast forward.


In January and February, we were still working diligently with our test customers on the implementation of our software. The real work started in March.


In March the project idea "DC Connected Racing" was born. Through various contacts from the racing sector, who are interested in our solution, this project was born. Our mascot Oliver L. from Burlafingen started directly with his DC-style machine in the two-wheel scene. We accompanied him live at the Speer Racing Event at the Hockenheimring.


In April, just in time for the start of the camping season, we dealt intensively with the topic of wanderlust. This is where the first ideas for our globetrotting concept were born. Because one thing quickly became clear: camping enthusiasts always want to travel flexibly and arrive safely.

More about this in July.


In May, we left early in the morning for our photo shoot for our postcard campaign for workshops. Getting up early was definitely worth it for this beautiful backdrop!

We also had a visit this month from the trade magazine kfz.betrieb, which conducted an interview with us.


In June some exciting things happened again. Our VW ID3 was wrapped with our company logo. Our app release happened and most importantly it was "official market launch" for DC Connected.

Psssst.... To date, a whole 430 DCoders were already in use!


This month we started our project "globetrotter". If you want to learn more about it, feel free to click here.

Also, our first newsletter went out to subscribers this month.


In August we visited the "Adventure Southside" to get some ideas for our globetrotting concept. We also visited our hardware partners in Berlin.


One of the biggest highlights of our year. The award ceremony of the digital automotive award, where we were one of the winning companies.

Read more here.


In October the DC Running Team started at the Ulmer Einsteinlauf. Our runner Lukas A. could even place himself in the first quarter of the men with his top time.

In addition, we visited the symposium for independent workshops this month and presented our concept at the university in Neu-Ulm.


Due to the fading travel season, some motorhome rental companies had time to take a close look at our solution and the first motorhome fleets were equipped with our DCoders.

Furthermore, our development project "battery monotoring" started.

Since we want to ensure mobility at all thimes and in all places, the number 1 cause of breakdowns is naturally at the top of the road map - read more in our blog post.


This month we were finally able to put our live diagnostics into practice. For more detailed information you will have to wait a little longer and be curious about the new blog post in the new year. But this much we can already reveal: from now on our software can perform most of the functions of a professional multi-brand diagnostic device.


We wish you a happy new year and much success in 2022 and look forward to many more exciting projects.

Your DC Connected Team



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